
Hi everyone,this week we went to the Singapore History Museum.As we were gathering outside,the tour guide give us a device called The Companion.When we went in what greeted us was a circular room with short clips and a windy passage.In the museum,there was a stone called The Singapore Stone.It has some of the ancient writings on it,inner to it,there is a example of the fineral in the olden days and a collection of coins.As i walked alround,i saw many interesting things like the anchor of a ship which was destroyed by the Janpenese during the world war 2.Then we went to the Singapore Living Museum-Food,Wayang and Fashion.There were the clothes of the pastand samples of different cloths.Then in the Wayang,there was a horror malay movie and the machines for filming movies.And the Food section,there is the smells of different spices like lime and coconut etc(i am going to faint because of the lime smell).But total of the learning journry was fun i would like to go there again.



To be healthy,you have to eat at least two fruit and veges everyday.But not those potato chips or french fries etc you eat almost everyday.Why is healthy eating so important to everybody?Because if you eat healthy,you will grow healthy and strong to fight against bacteria.If you don't eat healthy,you might get stomach ache or diria etc.If you eat enough fruit and veges,you will not get sick easily as fruis and veges contains lots of vitamins for example,oranges have lots of vitamin C to help you to fight aganist germs.As for me ,I like fruits and veges esspacially cabbage and watermelon.I support school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables as it is really important.Mayybe the school can organise a competition to see which class eat the most fruits and veges.End for now,see you soon.
