
This year's Racial Harmony Day was quite fun but is that I forgot to tell my mother to give me extra pocket money,so I only got to eat some of the food at 1 hour recess!!!!!The show was quite meaningful too.Then after the show,we go back to class to do some activites,I feel that it was quite grilish.



I am very excited on Saturday because it was my very first time to be live at the NDP preview at MARINA BAY the floating platform.It looks very grand as it was floating.Just as we arivve,




SPICES means Sincerity,Passion for learning,Integrity,Courage,Excellence and Self-Discipline.

The school came out with these vaules so that we can be a good student.

Sincerity is to be real ad genuine and it is like "from your heart".

Passion for learning is that you have the passion for something and nrver gives up until you have a good result.

Integrity is to show if you have bravery.

Courage is that if you done some thing wrong, you have the Courage to stand up for it.

Excellence is you achieve good results

Self-Discipline is you have a discipline of yourself.




Netiquette is showing courtesy in cyberspace and there are 8 rules of netiquette:

Rules 1: use capital letter correctly.

Riles 2 : not to enter other peoples privercy.

Rule 3 : not to send things to other people when you receive it from the sender beacause it may be only for you.

Rule 4 : never scold or threathened people when you write an e-mail.

Rule 5 : never sent anything that is personal or under copyright law.

Rule 6 : never use informal style of writing the e-mail.

Under all these rules there is a golden rule which is :

Display good manners and demonstrate mutnal respect in Cyber space.
