






1. 他的引擎没半丝生息,而他正往太平洋漂去。

2. 他用潜水用的浮力袋来停止急速的流速。

3. 他一直在告诉自己他要活下来。

4. 当东北风吹时,他用衣服制造一个帆,让风把船吹回岸上。。。


1.1。 海的大浪要把船冲上沙滩。。。

2.2。 作者和康仔跑到船尾,准备要跳。但雨水就像炮一样的往海打。可是,康仔先跳。。。

3. 3。作者心里在争扎。。。因为他要一边担心康仔的安危,一边他也要跳啊。。。

4. 4。他在黑濛溕的沙滩迎面撞来时就跳下船。两脚刺进沙里。。。 安全的跳上沙滩。



Hi everyone, I' sure you have heard about the Jarksta bombings in one of the hotels in Indonisia.Now after the police had identified the suspects,the parents of the suspects took DNA tests.This bombing will cost the financial to go downwards and the tourism of Jakarta.It also gives awarness to other countries that they will not visit Jakarta often.But it also tells other people that terrorism is still happening around the world and also in your own country.



Hi everyone,today we are taking about Racial Harmony Day.Because of the H1N1,we can't gather at the hall the celebrate.But the school has kindly film the skit--Wedding Runaway(I think)-- for us.Four weddings are held(Chinese,Malay,Indian and Eurasian)within half an hour.Mr Derrick Tan said that "A cup of tea can exchange for an 'angbaos'"for the tea ceremony at the Chinese Wedding.The Malay wedding is different from the Chinese Wedding as they have people celebrating when they come in and sit on the two chairs set for them.The Indian is slightly different from the Indian Wedding as they have the rice grain.

The second part of the celebration is



Hi everyone,this week we went to the Singapore History Museum.As we were gathering outside,the tour guide give us a device called The Companion.When we went in what greeted us was a circular room with short clips and a windy passage.In the museum,there was a stone called The Singapore Stone.It has some of the ancient writings on it,inner to it,there is a example of the fineral in the olden days and a collection of coins.As i walked alround,i saw many interesting things like the anchor of a ship which was destroyed by the Janpenese during the world war 2.Then we went to the Singapore Living Museum-Food,Wayang and Fashion.There were the clothes of the pastand samples of different cloths.Then in the Wayang,there was a horror malay movie and the machines for filming movies.And the Food section,there is the smells of different spices like lime and coconut etc(i am going to faint because of the lime smell).But total of the learning journry was fun i would like to go there again.



To be healthy,you have to eat at least two fruit and veges everyday.But not those potato chips or french fries etc you eat almost everyday.Why is healthy eating so important to everybody?Because if you eat healthy,you will grow healthy and strong to fight against bacteria.If you don't eat healthy,you might get stomach ache or diria etc.If you eat enough fruit and veges,you will not get sick easily as fruis and veges contains lots of vitamins for example,oranges have lots of vitamin C to help you to fight aganist germs.As for me ,I like fruits and veges esspacially cabbage and watermelon.I support school's campaign in encouraging pupils to eat more fruits and vegetables as it is really important.Mayybe the school can organise a competition to see which class eat the most fruits and veges.End for now,see you soon.



Earth Hour is an hour when you must switch off their lights and electrical appliances.This activities will start on saturday 8.30pm-9.30pm.When people organise this Earth Hour in 2007 in Sydney,people thought about the global warming we are facing now.But imanging an hour without light,how am I going to raed my favourate Hardy Boys!But then I can see whether I can play my chess or cards with my mother.I can also cook some instan noddles before the Earth Hour starts and slowly eat for the one hour to or go under the moonlight to try and do some homework or go to the park and play swing in the dark to KILL time.



Passion for learning is that you show commitment in something and you try to strive for the best.Every people must learn to improve themselves as the generation improves to a better generation.My mother is not very good in English but she has the passion to learn her English well.I have the passion for learning as everybody must learn and I can do more assessment book to improve my subjects.
